Wednesday, May 03, 2006

New Orleans

We are going to spend the weekend in New Orleans. My father really enjoys
it and it will be our last time to go before we move.
We are not taking Mulan because we think that the trip would be a bit much for
her. She is staying with a puppy raiser named Barbara Naylor and her dog.
Her dog is ten months old and weighs almost twice what Mulan does. They
hit it off right away though and spent the entire time we were there slobbering
all over one another. Barbara takes her dog to school with her every day(she is a teacher)
so she is going to take Mulan with her as well. I hope she behaves for her.
I will post again next Tuesday when we get back from our trip.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Have a great time! I'm sure Mulan will be awesome.

New Orleans sounds like lots of fun....take me with you so I can skip school! Pretty please? =P