Monday, March 20, 2006

Big Bend

We had a relaxing time camping down in Big Bend National Park and Del Rio.
We got to see some neat cave paintings at the Seminole Canyon.
We were so surprised to come back and see how much Mulan has grown.
She is getting very leggy, which I think is a golden retriever trait?
She was not very happy to leave her new doggy friend at the puppy raisers house.
Can you beleive in about two weeks she will be six months old! Her half birthday is actually
the same day as my birthday. So we will be celebrating both of them:)

Here is a picture of the cave paintings. I will post more pictures soon but they are not uploading for some reason today:(

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That's so cool Candace! I'm glad you had fun on your trip :)