Thursday, November 02, 2006

New Commands

CCI has sent out a e-mail saying that there are two new commands we need to teach the dogs. We are working with Mulan on "turn" right now. This will help in grocery stores. I didn't realize how big she had gotten until I tried to move her out of the grocery store aisle. So this will be a nifty little command. I put her into the bath tub and used a piece of food to guide her into a turn. I said turn as she did it. We have been working on it for almost a week and she is getting pretty good at it. I wanted to show you how much she has grown compared to her old puppy pictures. . . .


Anonymous said...

what exactly are doing when you teach turn?

Natalie said...

awww she's so big now! what a beautiful puppy :)

London said...

Hello Candace and Mulan i love your blog